What is Verias?

Veritas is an opportunity to make friends, share a meal, and ask questions about life, God, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Veritas presents a brief introduction to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an environment that is informal, fun, relaxed, and friendly with no pressure. Listen, learn, discuss, and discover. You can ask anything; no question is off limits and you're free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.

Who is it for?

Veritas is for everyone, especially those who have given up on church, want to investigate Christianity, are new to the Christian faith, or want to grow in understanding and faith. The presentation and format doesn’t assume any background knowledge in Christianity.

How does it work?

Veritas is presented as a 5 week course. Each session begins with food, followed by a short talk. After that, there's a time for discussion in a friendly, small-group setting.

What is the cost?

The 5-week course is free, although you can make a contribution toward the meals.

Coming This Fall!

Church of the Holy Communion
17405 Muirfield Dr.
Dallas, TX 75287

Send questions to veritas@holycommuniondallas.org or contact us directly 972-248-6505